SME empowerment

SME Strategy

The Pakistan Western Canada Trade Association (PWCTA) is thrilled to unveil its strategic alliance with the SME Finance Forum (SMEFF), an impactful initiative led by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) with a dedicated focus on global SME finance and growth. This dynamic partnership is poised to foster collaboration, facilitate resource-sharing, and mutually endorse each other’s events, resources, and accomplishments.

The joint campaign aims to broadcast and celebrate this partnership, accentuating our shared commitment to championing SME development on a global scale. Emphasizing areas of potential collaboration, such as knowledge-sharing and event promotion, the campaign will feature visually engaging posts showcasing the logos of both organizations and infographics elucidating the breadth of collaboration.

A robust monitoring and evaluation plan will gauge the campaign’s success by tracking engagement metrics, campaign-related hashtags, and the impact manifested through shared resources and events. Our overarching objective is to effectively convey the profound significance of this partnership and its potential to empower SMEs worldwide.

Together, PWCTA and SMEFF are poised to drive meaningful change and catalyze SME empowerment on a global stage.


About SME Finance Forum (SMEFF)

The SME Finance Forum (SMEFF), initiated in 2012 by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), serves as a knowledge center focused on data, research, and best practices in advancing SME finance. Managed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as an implementing partner for the GPFI, the Forum has evolved into a global network with over 240 members, encompassing financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions. This network fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation to promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) worldwide.

For more information, visit: SME Finance Forum
